Again Against, A Back, A Foot, A Wall
Pérez Art Museum
Miami, FL
May 7 - September 27, 2015
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Lutker has identified eight fights that she is investigating in “chapters” that consist of sculptural installations and performances. So far, she has realized two chapters: one that explored a brawl from 1923 and one that explored an eruptive 1926 protest. For PAMM, Lutker presents the third project in her series entitled Again Against, A Foot, A Back, A Wall. This new work represents Lutker's associations to a fight that broke out at the Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier in Paris on May 29, 1925 when the Surrealists noisily interrupted a lecture on literature. Lutker’s installation, which in part responds to the architecture of PAMM’s unique auditorium space, presents uncanny and poetic objects in a variety of media such as lead, graphite, glass, and granite that create a dreamlike, abstract vision of the event. Lutker is also realizing a related performance, The Average Mysterious and the Shirt off its Back, debuted on May 7 when her exhibition opened.